Your Dad Wants a Vacation or Beer For Father’s Day, Not a Gym Membership

Have you bought your dad a gift for Father’s Day this Sunday?  No?  NOW who’s being emotionally unavailable?


A new survey asked more than 1,000 dads what gifts they want for Father’s Day . . . and what they DON’T want.



The top seven things they want are:  A trip, tickets to a sporting event, power tools, an iPad, a watch, beer and barbecue gear.


And the top four things they really DON’T want are:  A gym membership, underwear, socks and ties.


And they’re REALLY not kidding about the whole “I don’t want a gym membership” thing.  92% of dads say that would be a terrible gift, which makes it three times worse than the runner up, underwear and socks.


(The Oklahoman)