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What to Do With Used Eclipse Glasses

Tuesday millions of people ogled the skies using eclipse viewers, but happens now with the glasses? Another eclipse will cross America in 2024, or you can donate them to other parts of the world, who will experience an eclipse in 2019. 


Army Drill Sergeants Suspended After Sexual Assault Probe

Investigators are looking into a sexual assault allegation by a female trainee against a drill sergeant at For Benning which uncovered more possible cases. A number of U.S. Army drill sergeants at Fort Benning, Georgia, have been temporarily suspended while the investigation continues. 


Eclipse Sinks Netflix Viewership

Mother Nature triumps over new age media, as Netflix says during the eclipse Monday afternoon, there was a 10% drop in viewership. The next eclipse is set to occur in April 2024, which will cover most of the Eastern United States.