Five Random Facts For Monday

Here are some random facts for you.


1.  Your lungs aren’t symmetrical.  The left lung is smaller and has two lobes, the right lung has three.


2.  There’s only one state capital that doesn’t share any letters with the state it’s the capital of:  Pierre, South Dakota.


3.  People who work in offices without windows sleep an average of 46 minutes less per night than people with windows.


4.  Phil Mickelson’s nickname is “Lefty”, but he’s right-handed.  The only thing he does left-handed is golf, because he’d watch his dad golf when he was little and mirror his swings.


5.  There have been more than 200 academic papers published on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, which easily makes it the most studied TV show or movie.  The “Alien” movies are second, with around 90 papers.


(Quora / Fun Trivia / Science Daily / Wikipedia / Slate)